Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 130: Anatomy of a Salad

December 13, 2015


“Salad-eater” tends to be the stereotype by which vegetarians are defined. And in general, it’s probably a fair guess to say that most people’s idea of “salad” in this instance is some lettuce in a bowl with a few tomatoes, maybe a cucumber, and some dressing.

While we would venture to guess that most vegetarians and vegans enjoy salads, of course that is not ALL we eat, and the “lettuce in a bowl” connotation is definitely wrong! In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast we explore the depth and vibrancy of excellent salads.


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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

*  Green Vegetarian Cuisine

Resources Used for this Episode

* Nuts and Seeds
* A Visual Guide To Salad Greens
* The Elements of a Perfect Salad
* 10 Tricks For The Best Homemade Salads
* The 4 Elements of Vibrant Vegetable Salads
* Types of Salad - Guide to the healthy and not so healthy ingredients for a salad

Recipe of the Week

* 5 Killer Green Salads

Quotes of the Week
A well-made salad must have a certain uniformity; it should make perfect sense for those ingredients to share a bowl.

-- Yotam Ottolenghi (chef, writer)

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Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa