Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 125: Vegetarian Cooking for One

November 08, 2015


In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we tackle vegetarian cooking for one (and vegan cooking, too!). Just because it’s just you doesn’t mean you should cave in to fast food, or maintain a steady diet of breakfast cereal!  We share some simple tips to keep you eating healthy meals.


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Here’s what we mention in this episode:
Plan to Eat

* as we mentioned in the episode, this is our referral link.  Signing up for a trial or subscription through this link will generate a small commission for us, which will help to support the podcast.  Thanks!

Resources Used for this Episode

* Cooking for One
* Vegetarian Cooking for One
* Vegetarian Cooking for One --LIVESTRONG.COM

Recipe of the Week

* Adventures in Vegetarian Cooking for One

Quotes of the Week
Cooking is not difficult. Everyone has taste, even if they don't realize it. Even if you're not a great chef, there's nothing to stop you understanding the difference between what tastes good and what doesn't.

-- Gerard Depardieu

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Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa