Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 124: Help! I’m a Vegetarian Craving Meat!

November 01, 2015


In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast we discuss what you can do if you are a vegetarian craving meat. Yes, it does happen and it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Many of us were raised on meat and it’s natural to crave it both in the physical sense and in the social/psychological sense. We discuss some ways you can help satisfy those cravings without succumbing to them.


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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

* VZ 019: What's In Season? Fall Fruits and Vegetables
* Peas and Carrots Society: Friends of Vegetarian Zen (our closed Facebook group)
* VZ 114: How to Take Frozen Vegetables from Frosty to Fabulous
* Quorn
* Sweet Earth Natural Foods
* Weight Watchers

Resources Used for this Episode

* veggieboards
* Three ways for vegetarians to get over meat cravings
* Missing Meat? Here’s How to Satisfy Your Cravings in a Meat-Free Way

Recipe of the Week

* Portabella Fajitas

Quotes of the Week
Vegetarianism shouldn’t be sold by putting up some perfect façade for the world – where everyone is perfectly healthy and happy in the community and no one second-guesses themselves or struggles with the social aspects of vegetarianism. That attitude just makes vegetarianism seem unapproachable. Ultimately, I think that doing something is better than nothing!

-- Kristina Halliman, Vegetarian Zen listener

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Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa