Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 116: The Vegan Cheese Episode

September 06, 2015


In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast we’ll tackle a topic that thwarts many people in their attempts to go completely vegan: CHEESE. We’ll talk about some dairy-free ways to satisfy your cheese cravings, plus take a look at what goes into making vegan cheese.


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In the News:

* FDA Says Vegan Mayonnaise Can’t Be Called Mayo

Here’s what we mention in this episode:

* Vegeria - vegan restaurant in San Antonio, Texas
* Hampton Creek Foods

* The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook: Delicious Dairy-Free Cheeses and Classic "Uncheese" Dishes
* Artisan Vegan Cheese

Resources Used for this Episode

* A guide to vegan cheese
* How to Substitute Cheese
* 10 Hacks to Make Food Cheesy Without Adding Cheese
* These 25 Vegan Cheeses Will Make You Quit Dairy Forever
* Missing Cheese? How to Go Dairy-Free Without Going Flavor-Free

Recipe of the Week

* Tofu Ricotta

Quotes of the Week
You don't have to become a vegan. You can become a plant-passionate, plant-inspired bean lover!

-- Kris Carr

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Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa