Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 113: Interview with Megan Cain, AKA The Creative Vegetable Gardener

August 16, 2015


On this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we interview Megan Cain of The Creative Vegetable Gardener. She has been featured in Apartment Therapy, The Organic Gardner Podcast, the Art of Non-Conformity blog, and the PBS's Victory Garden Edible Feast.

Megan is an urban gardener and garden educator, and is the author of two books: Super Easy Seed Starting and Super Easy Food Preserving.  She’s on the show today to share some gardening tips and let you know about a gardening challenge she’s hosting in August (this month).

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Here’s what we mention in this episode:

* The Creative Vegetable Gardener - Megan Cain
* The Organic Gardener Podcast

* Episode 70: Megan Cain Returns - Make Your Garden Harvest Last All Year
* Episode 44: Megan Cain - Creative Vegetable Gardener Website

* Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage
* WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms: Linking volunteers with organic farms and growers)

* Watch Megan's 5-minute TED-like talk at the Inspire Madison event:




*  Hook up with The Creative Vegetable Gardener on social media:

* Facebook
* Instagram
* Pinterest

Recipe of the Week

* Megan's Joyous Kale Recipe

Quote of the Week
It's not about the garden.  It's about the gardener.

-- Megan Cain

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Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa