Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 076: 7 Foods We’re Loving Right Now

November 30, 2014


If you’re like us, you go through food “phases”.  You’ll find a new food, or remember one you haven’t had in a while, and you’ll eat it all the time…or at least until you get sick of it!  In this episode of the podcast, we tell you about 7 foods we’re loving right now.


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Here’s what we mention in this episode:
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Silly Cow Farms Hot Chocolate

Vega Protein Smoothie

Recipe of the Week

Quote of the Week

 At 15, I decided I wanted to be an Ironman triathlete. This led me to look at the importance of a plant-based diet for athletes. Many people associate the word “diet†with a restrictive way of eating. It doesn’t have to be. A vegan diet is one of inclusion, not exclusion. When you include only healthy plant-based foods in your diet, you’ll find there won’t be room left for the unhealthy ones. Considering what you are gaining, taking this time to transition is a positive investment. The payback is higher-quality living—and possibly winning Ironman triathlons, like I have.

— Brendan Brazier



Question: What foods are you loving right now? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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Peace and Veggies,

Vickie and Larissa

The post VZ 076: 7 Foods We’re Loving Right Now appeared first on Vegetarian Zen.