Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 043 - Sleep Well Naturally

April 13, 2014

“I have a big report due at work tomorrow.”

“Where did I leave my keys?”

“I need to pick up the dry cleaning in the morning.”

“Where did I leave my keys?”

“Kayleigh needs 3 dozen cupcakes for school on Friday.”


With all of this going through you head as you turn out the lights at night, sometimes sleep just doesn’t come.  Maybe you partied just a little too hard…the alcohol you enjoyed might prevent a restful night.  Smoker?  Did you know that withdrawals happening throughout the night keep you from achieving deep, refreshing sleep?

While it is oh-so-easy and convenient to swallow a pill to help you drift off to dreamland, it’s not a great idea…especially not when there are so many other things to try!

In this episode we discuss good sleep habits to form, bad ones to break, and natural methods to help you sleep soundly.

To view the show notes for this episode, please visit VZ 043 – Sleep Well Naturally.

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Check out this episode!

Here’s what we mention in this episode:

To Make Your Own Pillow Mist:

Combine 1/2 cup filtered water, 1/2 teaspoon witch hazel and 4-5 drops essential oil (lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, chamomile) in a small spray bottle.  Shake well.  Mist lightly over pillow before going to bed.


Quote of the Week

It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.

– John Steinbeck

Recipe of the Week

  • Vickie’s Bedtime Smoothie (link coming soon)


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Thanks for listening! Peace and Veggies,

Vickie and Larissa

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