Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 038 - Discussing the Documentary “Super Size Me”

March 09, 2014

Did you know that when “Super Size Me” was filmed back in 2004 only seven McDonald’s menu items (hash browns, sausage, chicken McNuggets, coffee, tea and diet coke) did not contain sugar?  How about the fact that a today’s ten-piece order of chicken McNuggets contains 470 calories, 30 grams of fat and 900 milligrams of sodium?  And that’s just the nuggets…nevermind the fries and soda that usually accompany the order.  YIKES!

In “Super Size Me”, documentary filmmaker goes on a reckless and terrifying diet: three McDonald’s meals per day for 30 days.  No other food or drinks.  If he couldn’t get it at Mickey D’s, he didn’t eat it.  The results were horrifying.

In this episode, we present facts from the movie and discuss our thoughts. The fact that Spurlock released his shocking film in 2004 and McDonald’s continues to reign supreme in 2014 is a sad testimonial to the skewed way our society values (or does not value!) health and healthy eating.

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Check out Episode 038!

Here’s what we mention in this episode:

Veggie-versary Giveaways!

Quote of the Week

It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

– Jiddu Krishnamurti


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Thanks for listening! Peace and Veggies,

Vickie and Larissa

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