Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 024 - Thanksgiving Tips for Vegetarians

November 24, 2013

When we come together to celebrate the holidays, food is,usually the focal point around which we gather.  Further, the centerpiece of most of our holiday meals is meat.  Turkey for Thanksgiving.  Turkey or goose for Christmas.  Ham for New Year’s and Easter. Barbecue for Memorial Day, Labor Day and the Fourth of July.  We can’t escape it.

For vegetarians and vegans, then, celebrating the holidays can be quite a challenge.  Not only are meats themselves front and center, but many sides contain animal products as well.  Consider gravies, butter in potatoes, bacon in green beans, and on and on.

In this episode of the podcast, we outline tips to help vegetarians and vegans (or those just trying to consume less meat and eat healthier) navigate the holiday meat maze and enjoy their time with family and friends.  We discuss ways to let your host and other guests know you don’t eat meat, meal ideas (dishes you can bring to dinner), and strategies for eating once you’re there.

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Thanks for listening!  Peace and Veggies,

Vickie and Larissa

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