Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 022 - Oh No! GMO!

November 10, 2013

Unfortunately, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have become pervasive in our society today.  Often under the guise of increasing crop yields, drought tolerance, or nutritional values, biotechnical companies have created “Frankenfoods” that have delivered on none of these promises.  Instead, the primary advantage of these genetically engineered crops is that they are resistant to the herbicides and pesticides farmers use to control unwanted vegetation and pests in their fields, allowing them to use more of these chemicals without harming their crops.  This leaves us, the consumers, eating products that are both unnatural AND potentially exposed to higher and higher levels of toxic chemicals.  

Many countries have taken steps to protect their citizen consumers by requiring labeling of foods that contain GMO ingredients.  The United States has not, and in fact has done the opposite by allowing the big food producers to lobby against legislation that would mandate labeling.

In this episode, we uncover the facts about GMOs, as well as discuss what we, as consumers, need to be aware of and what we can do to both protect and advocate for ourselves.

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Check out Episode 022

Here’s what we mention in this episode:

Recipe of the Week


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Thanks for listening!  Peace and Veggies,

Vickie and Larissa

The post VZ 022 – Oh No! GMO! appeared first on Vegetarian Zen.