Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 029 - New Year's Resolutions

December 29, 2013

From the time we are kids we hear about New Year's resolutions.  Adults make them...and break them.  Kids emulate their parents and make them...and break them even faster!  What kid want to actually keep a resolution to clean her room or be nice to his little brother?

Although the practice has its origins in pre-Christian religions, much about it has changed over the millennia.  Instead of swearings to the gods to pay back our debts, return the things we borrowed last year, and be proper citizens,  resolutions have become more about promising ourselves we will lose weight or save enough money to buy a bigger house or a nicer car.  Add to unrealistic expectations the idea that we have to go "all-or-nothing", and we often set ourselves up to fail.

In this episode, we discuss the pros and cons of resolution-making.  We discuss whether or not we make them (you'll have to listen to find out!) and why.  For those who decide that resolutions are the way to go, we delve into good resolution-making habits and mindsets.


To view the show notes for this episode, please visit VZ 029 - New Year's Resolutions.

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