Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 021 - The Importance of Buying Organic

November 03, 2013

"Buy organic" seems to be a popular buzz phrase these days.  With all the talk about genetically-modified foods, the overuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and the connection of these chemicals with deadly diseases such as cancer, understanding the importance of buying and consuming organic foods is crucial.

In this episode, we explore organic foods in detail.  First we establish exactly what makes a food organic, whether it is a single-ingredient food like a vegetable or an item containing multiple ingredients, such as cereal. Next, we compare organic foods to their conventionally-grown counterparts and point out important differences. Finally, we discuss which fruits and vegetables you should always buy organic and why.

To view the show notes for this episode, please visit VZ 021 - The Importance of Buying Organic.

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