Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 152: Whole Food Options for Managing Menopause

May 15, 2016

In this episode of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we discuss the dreaded “M” word…menopause. We share some natural alternatives to the hormone replacement therapy that is regularly prescribed by doctors, specifically some whole food options for managing menopause.
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 Here’s what we mention in this episode:

Resources Used for this Episode

* Menopause and Good Nutrition
* A Natural Approach to Menopause
* PhytoEstrogens (Plant Estrogens)

Recipe of the Week

* Best Dang BBQ Vegan Baked Beans

Quotes of the Week
Amazing women don’t have hot flashes. We have power surges.
— unknown
Question: If you’re there, do you have any tips for dealing with menopause? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa