Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 145: 8 Brain-Boosting Foods for Vegetarians

March 27, 2016

This episode of the Vegetarian Zen Podcast is all about brain-boosting foods for vegetarians.  Vickie became interested in this after we recorded our last episode on MSG and really began to analyze some of the foods in our pantry. Much to our dismay, we still found more junk food than we cared to admit. Processed, junky foods often contribute to mind fog and fatigue. This led Vickie on a quest to learn more about veg-friendly whole foods that are  can help you stay sharp and focused, both short- and long-term.
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Here’s what we mention in this episode:
VZ 144: MSG - What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing (Say It Again!)
VZ 044: Healthy Fats
VZ 089: Coconut Oil - Health Food or Hype?
VZ  112: Demystifying Essential Fatty Acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6
Resources Used for this Episode
Eat Smart for a Healthier Brain
Can Coconut Oil Prevent Alzheimer’s?
The Best Brain Food You Should Be Eating
Recipe of the Week
Pinterest Board Coconut Oil Smoothies
Quotes of the Week
I like nonsense. It breaks up the brain cells.
-- Dr. Seuss
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Thanks for listening!
Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa
The post VZ 145: 8 Brain-Boosting Foods for Vegetarians appeared first on Vegetarian Zen.