Vegetarian Zen

Vegetarian Zen

VZ 143: Tea Time with Vegetarian Zen

March 13, 2016

It’s time for high tea! This episode of the podcast contains all things tea – the types of tea, possible health benefits, types of tea to avoid, and the importance of buying organic.
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Here’s what we mention in this episode:
VZ 093: Coffee Talk with Vickie and Larissa
Organic Teas:
Numi Organic Tea - Numi's Collection, Assorted Full Leaf Tea and Teasan
Yogi Tea Rest & Relax Tea 6 Flavor Variety Pack 
Yogi Tea Energy Tea 5 Flavor Variety Pack
Yogi Bedtime Herbal Tea Caffeine Free Soothing Caramel - Vickie's favorite bedtime tea!
Resources Used for this Episode
Types of Teas and Their Health Benefits
Tea Health: The Types, Problems and Health Benefits of Tea
Another Reason to Buy Organic – Conventional Tea Contains Illegal and Highly Toxic Pesticides
Recipe of the Week
8 cookie recipes that are made with brewed tea & tea leaves!
Quotes of the Week
There are those who love to get dirty and fix things. They drink coffee at dawn, beer after work. And those who stay clean, just appreciate things. At breakfast they have milk and juice at night. There are those who do both, they drink tea.
-- Gary Snyder
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Peace and Veggies,
Vickie and Larissa
The post VZ 143: Tea Time with Vegetarian Zen appeared first on Vegetarian Zen.