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Special Comment 030: FIFA gets it right for the 1st time ever?

December 25, 2022


FIFA gets it right: Makes History

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Expanding the World Cup: Embracing Change and Embracing Chaos

In the world of football, few things are as sacred as the FIFA World Cup. So when FIFA announced their plans to expand the tournament, it’s no surprise that many people were up in arms. However, I believe that this change is not only necessary but also exciting. In this article, I will explore the benefits of expanding the World Cup and address the concerns of those who oppose it.

A Chance for All

FIFA gets it rightOne of the main arguments against expanding the World Cup is that it dilutes the quality of the tournament. Critics argue that smaller countries will never stand a chance against the powerhouses of football. But do they have a crystal ball? Can they predict the future? I think not. By giving more countries the opportunity to participate, we open the doors for new talent, new strategies, and new surprises.

The beauty of football lies in its unpredictability, and expanding the World Cup only adds to that. Imagine the excitement of seeing underdog teams from different parts of the world battling it out on the grandest stage. It provides a chance for players from smaller countries to showcase their skills and talents to a global audience. This exposure can lead to opportunities for them to join top clubs and leagues around the world, ultimately helping to raise the overall level of football in their respective countries.

Some may argue that including more teams in the tournament waters down the level of competition. But isn’t competition all about testing yourself against different opponents? By facing teams with different styles of play and strategies, teams have the opportunity to grow and adapt. This not only benefits the individual players and teams, but it also contributes to the development and evolution of the sport as a whole.

Expanding the World Cup also brings new perspectives and ideas to the table. Smaller countries may have unique playing styles and strategies that give them an edge against larger, more established teams. Remember when Iceland, with its population of only around 350,000 people, made their debut in Euro 2016 and reached the quarterfinals? It was a remarkable achievement that captured the hearts of football fans worldwide. It showed that with determination, teamwork, and a bit of luck, anything is possible in football.

The argument that expanding the World Cup dilutes the quality of the tournament assumes that only the powerhouses of football have the ability to produce high-quality games. But history has shown us time and again that upsets and surprises can happen, regardless of the teams involved. The beauty of football is that it is played on a level playing field, where anything can happen.

Moreover, expanding the World Cup is not just about the performance on the field. It is also about bringing the world together through the universal language of football. The World Cup is one of the most-watched sporting events globally, with billions of viewers tuning in to support their favorite teams. By including more countries, we give fans from all over the world the chance to experience the joy and excitement of cheering for their national teams.

Furthermore, expanding the World Cup opens up opportunities for smaller countries to host matches. This can have a positive impact on their economies by attracting tourists and boosting local businesses. It also gives the host countries a chance to showcase their culture, traditions, and hospitality to an international audience.

In conclusion, expanding the World Cup is not about diluting the quality of the tournament, but rather about creating a more inclusive and diverse event. It enables smaller countries to participate, brings new talent and strategies to the forefront, and adds to the unpredictability and excitement of the competition. Football is a sport that belongs to everyone, and by giving all countries a chance, we can truly celebrate the beautiful game on a global scale.

Addressing Concerns

When it comes to a larger tournament like the World Cup, there are bound to be concerns about the logistics and fairness of such an event. It is only natural for people to worry about how increasing the number of teams and matches might affect the quality of the competition. However, it is important to remember that these concerns can be addressed through testing and tweaking the system.

FIFA, as the governing body of international football, has the resources and expertise to ensure that any worst-case scenarios are accounted for. With their experience in organizing large-scale events like the World Cup, they have demonstrated their ability to handle the logistical challenges that come with it.

One of the main concerns about a larger tournament is the fairness of the playing field. With more teams involved, there is a fear that smaller nations might be at a disadvantage compared to the traditional powerhouses of football. However, FIFA has the responsibility to ensure that the competition is fair and that no team has an unfair advantage.

This can be achieved by implementing measures such as ensuring an equitable distribution of matches and venues, so that all teams have an equal chance to showcase their skills. By doing so, FIFA can create a more level playing field and give smaller nations a better opportunity to compete against the bigger footballing nations.

Change is never easy, but it is necessary for progress. The world of football is constantly evolving, and the World Cup should also adapt and modernize to keep up with the times. By expanding the tournament and including more teams, FIFA can make it even better and more inclusive.

Building on the strong foundation of the World Cup, FIFA can introduce innovations that improve the overall experience for players, fans, and viewers. This could include implementing new technologies, refining the scheduling and format, and enhancing the fan experience both inside and outside the stadiums.

Overall, the concerns about the logistics and fairness of a larger tournament are valid, but they are not insurmountable. Through careful testing and tweaking, FIFA can address these concerns and create a more fair playing field. With their resources and expertise, they have the ability to ensure that the World Cup remains the pinnacle of international football while also evolving and becoming even better.

Expanding the World Cup: More Opportunities for Countries

The World Cup is the most prestigious tournament in football, bringing together the best teams from around the globe to compete for the ultimate prize. With each edition, the excitement among fans reaches new heights, as they eagerly cheer for their favorite teams and players. However, the current format of the World Cup allows only a limited number of countries to participate, leaving many deserving nations out.

Expanding the World Cup means more opportunities for countries to showcase their talent on the biggest stage. Football is a global sport, loved and played by millions of people worldwide. It’s only fair that more nations get a chance to participate, as it not only promotes inclusivity but also recognizes the growing popularity and passion for the sport in different corners of the world.

By expanding the World Cup, we give smaller nations the chance to compete against the traditionally stronger teams. This allows them to gain invaluable experience and exposure, which they may not have had otherwise. It also provides an opportunity for the development of football infrastructure in these countries, encouraging investment in training facilities and youth development programs. Ultimately, this leads to the growth of the sport both globally and locally.

Support from Fans: More Enjoyment for Supporters

For football fans, the World Cup is an unparalleled event that brings joy, excitement, and a sense of unity. The tournament has a way of uniting people from different backgrounds, cultures, and nations, all united by their love for the sport. Expanding the World Cup only enhances these aspects and provides even more enjoyment for supporters.

When more countries are involved, fans have the opportunity to support and cheer for their national teams, regardless of their ranking or past performance. This creates a stronger sense of loyalty and pride among supporters, as they rally behind their team with unwavering passion and dedication.

The journey of a national team in the World Cup is not just about the final result; it’s about the entire experience. From the qualifiers to the group stages, and finally to the knockout rounds, every moment is saturated with drama and emotion. Adding more teams to the tournament means more matches, more storylines, and more surprises along the way. This further captivates the audience and keeps them engaged throughout the competition.

Moreover, expanding the World Cup means more matches to watch and enjoy for fans. This means there will be more opportunities for fans to witness breathtaking goals, incredible saves, and moments of individual brilliance that make the beautiful game so thrilling. It also provides an opportunity for fans to discover new talents and emerging stars, as players from smaller nations get a chance to shine on the global stage.

Expanding the World Cup not only provides more opportunities for countries to showcase their talent but also brings more enjoyment and excitement for football fans around the world. It promotes inclusivity, encourages investment in grassroots football, and fosters a sense of unity among supporters. By allowing more nations to participate in the tournament, we enrich the journey, passion, and unity that the World Cup represents. Let us embrace this expansion and celebrate the global spirit of the beautiful game.

Unpredictability and Variants

Some argue that the new format will only benefit powerhouse countries, but I beg to differ. Football is a game of unpredictability and variants that cannot be accounted for. Just because a country has a strong team on paper doesn’t guarantee success on the field. The World Cup has seen countless underdog stories and upsets throughout its history, and expanding the tournament will only add to the excitement and unpredictability.

One of the most beautiful aspects of football is its ability to surprise us. Upsets happen, underdog teams triumph, and favorites can crumble under pressure. The beauty of the game lies in its unpredictability, and that is something that should be celebrated and embraced.

When it comes to the World Cup, we have witnessed numerous examples of smaller nations making a name for themselves. Who could forget the iconic victory of the United States over England in 1950? Or the remarkable run of South Korea in 2002, when they reached the semifinals? These are the moments that define the World Cup and capture the imagination of fans around the world.

Expanding the tournament will only increase the opportunities for these underdog stories to unfold. With more teams participating, the chances of unexpected victories and upsets will rise. This will not only bring joy to the less-favored nations but also create more excitement for the fans.

Some may argue that expanding the tournament will dilute the quality of football on display. They might claim that having more teams will lead to more one-sided matches and lower the overall level of competition. However, it is important to remember that football is a constantly evolving sport.

Just because a team is considered a powerhouse today doesn’t mean they will dominate forever. Remember the fall of the mighty Spanish team in the 2014 World Cup when they were knocked out in the group stages? Or the recent struggles of traditional football superpowers like Italy and the Netherlands to qualify for major tournaments?

Football, like any other sport, is subject to changes and the rise and fall of teams. Expanding the tournament will provide an opportunity for emerging football nations to showcase their talent on the global stage. It will give them a chance to compete against more established teams and prove their worth.

Moreover, variants in football cannot be accounted for. A change in weather conditions, a moment of brilliance from an underdog player, or a controversial refereeing decision can completely alter the outcome of a match. These unpredictabilities are what make the game exciting.

In the end, the World Cup is not just about determining the best team in the world; it is about celebrating the beauty of the game. It is about the unscripted moments, the underdog stories, and the unpredictable matches that capture our hearts and minds.

Expanding the tournament will only enhance these aspects and make the World Cup even more thrilling and memorable. It will give more teams a chance to leave their mark on the world stage and create moments that will be remembered for years to come.


In conclusion, the expansion of the World Cup is a bold move that may ruffle some feathers, but it is a necessary step towards progress.

Football, known as the beautiful game, has the power to unite people from all walks of life. It has the ability to transcend language, culture, and borders, bringing together millions of passionate fans around the world. The World Cup, the pinnacle of international football, has always been a stage for showcasing talents and celebrating sportmanship.

However, over the years, there has been a growing sentiment that the World Cup needs to adapt and evolve to keep up with the changing times. The tournament’s format has remained relatively unchanged, with 32 teams competing for the coveted trophy. But with the sport growing in popularity and the talent pool expanding, it’s time for the World Cup to embrace change and reach out to more nations.

A More Inclusive Tournament

Expanding the World Cup to include more teams is a move towards creating a more inclusive tournament. By giving more nations the opportunity to participate, it allows for a greater representation of the global football community. Smaller countries, who may have previously struggled to qualify for the tournament, now have a chance to compete on the world stage.

This increased inclusivity not only provides these nations with valuable experience but also helps to promote football development in regions where the sport may not be as well-established. By exposing players from different footballing backgrounds to the intensity and quality of the World Cup, it can inspire growth and improvement in those countries.

Embracing Change and Chaos

Change can be daunting, especially when it comes to something as cherished as the World Cup. However, by embracing change and chaos, we can create a more exciting and unpredictable tournament.

Football thrives on its unpredictability. It’s the moments of wonder and brilliance that captivate fans and create lifelong memories. Expanding the World Cup means more matches, more teams, and more opportunities for incredible moments that will be etched in football history.

There may be concerns that expanding the tournament will dilute the quality of play, but that’s where chaos comes into play. By introducing more teams, it creates a level of unpredictability that can make for thrilling matches. Underdogs have a chance to upset the established order, creating storylines that captivate the world.

Testing the Waters and Tweaking the System

Of course, an expansion of this magnitude comes with its challenges. It’s important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to adapt the system as needed.

By testing the waters and continuously evaluating the format, we can find the right balance between inclusivity and quality. It may take a few iterations to refine the process, but that’s the beauty of progression. We should not be afraid to make adjustments and learn from our mistakes.

Providing feedback from players, coaches, and fans is essential in this process. Their insights can help shape the future of the World Cup, ensuring it remains a tournament that captivates the hearts and minds of football enthusiasts worldwide.

Building on the Strong Foundation

The World Cup has a rich history and a strong foundation. It’s built on a legacy of iconic moments and legendary players. An expansion should not detract from this, but rather build upon it.

By incorporating more teams, we can tap into new footballing cultures and showcase different styles of play. This diversity adds depth and flavor to the tournament, creating a more immersive experience for fans.

Additionally, expanding the World Cup can have positive economic and social impacts. It boosts tourism, stimulates local economies, and fosters cultural exchange. It’s an opportunity for countries to come together and celebrate the universal language of football.

Football Evolves and So Should the World Cup

Football is a game that constantly evolves. Tactics change, players come and go, and new trends emerge. It’s a sport that keeps reinventing itself, always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Similarly, the World Cup should not be stagnant. It should adapt and evolve to reflect the dynamic nature of football. Expanding the tournament is a necessary step towards progress, as it allows for growth, diversity, and inclusivity.

Let’s not be afraid to test the waters, tweak the system, and build on the strong foundation of the World Cup. By embracing change and chaos, we can create a more inclusive and exciting tournament. Football is a game that thrives on passion, competition, and unity. It’s time for the World Cup to do the same.

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