The Other Six Podcast

The Other Six Podcast

The Other Six Podcast Episode 106: The Times They Are A-Changing

November 04, 2024

In a day and age where it seems like you can’t be sure about much of anything, you can always be sure that things will change. With this Tuesday being election day, that fact is more at the front of our minds than ever. So in such a turbulent world full of change, what can you really rely on?

Scripture makes it clear that while everything else changes, our God never does. God is always who He is. He is the Great I AM, from everlasting to everlasting. He is always good, always faithful, always holy, and always constant. So what does that mean for us? What are the implications for our lives of an unchanging God? Join Pastors Jim, Chad, and Matt for a conversation on the nature of God and how His constancy provides peace in the midst of any storm.