The Other Six Podcast

The Other Six Podcast

Episode 103: All About Mrs Right

October 15, 2024

Husbands, we examined your role closely last week, so this week on The Other Six Podcast it is all about Mrs Right! The role of the wife in marriage can be confusing or misunderstood. We hear words like “submit” and “leadership” in the marriage relationship, but what does that mean? Does the husband have carte blanche to make his wife do whatever he wants? What does it mean for a wife to follow her husband’s leadership? What about when he is not leading well, what is a wife to do then? These questions aren’t just an intellectual or theological exercise, they have real life implications for our lives and marriage relationships. So what does the Bible have to say?

The good news is that Scripture is clear on these topics. Join Pastors Jim and Chad with special guest, Lindsay Layton, for a conversation on Mrs Right and her role in marriage as our “Oops! Did I Marry the Wrong Person?” series continues.