vanquisHER- Triumphing Over Maternal Narcissism

vanquisHER- Triumphing Over Maternal Narcissism

Latest Episodes

Ep. 004: Back to the Basics
December 13, 2017

An Introduction to Loving Yourself

Ep. 003: Triggers and Addictions Pt. 2
December 06, 2017

Crush the addictions that pacify our triggers.

Ep. 003: Triggers and Addictions Pt. 1
November 29, 2017

Triggers come from pressure that we couldn't deal with it.

Ep 002: The Guilt Trip
November 24, 2017

The vacation you didn't need, and don't want!

Ep 001: Exposing Maternal Narcissism
November 23, 2017

Is she still what really matters?