Inside Inside Sales

Inside Inside Sales

Interview with a CRO - 100th Episode Special

October 05, 2020

It’s our 100th episode of this podcast! Can you believe it?!  
We decided to turn the tables for this very special offering of INSIDE Inside Sales and for the first time ever, Darryl will be the guest. Now who could we possibly find that would be up to the challenge of interviewing VanillaSoft’s dynamic, bombastic, and fashion icon of a Chief Revenue Officer? All-Star guest and fan favourite Benjamin Dennehy joins us for his record-setting 4th time to dig deep and dive into all things Darryl Praill. Learn everything you wanted to know about the who, why, and how about your humble host as we celebrate this milestone episode of INSIDE Inside Sales!
About Darryl's guest:
Benjamin Dennehy is an engaging sales speaker, Interim sales director and sales trainer who will explain that the barriers cemented within your selling process ARE your parents’ fault!
Dennehy brings an antipodean brutality and charm to the sales experience many have never encountered before. His ‘no holds barred’ presentation will educate, inspire, motivate and help your sales people understand why they struggle with many of their daily sales frustrations.
INSIDE Inside Sales is hosted by Darryl Praill, CMO of VanillaSoft which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  VanillaSoft is the sponsor for INSIDE Inside Sales.