Valuewalk's ValueTalks

Valuewalk's ValueTalks

Raul Panganiban with Gabriel Thoumi on ESG investing

August 24, 2017

ValueWalk's Raul Panganiban with Gabriel Thoumi on ESG investing

Gabriel Thoumi, CFA, FRM is Director Capital Markets at Climate Advisers where he provides global financial analysis for mitigating systemic climate risk while advising on greening capital markets.

He has 15 years of experience managing and deploying frameworks to improve global capital markets sustainability through risk mitigation and return enhancement. Previously, for Calvert Investment Management, he valued global equity, index, and fixed income portfolios and their component positions in the utilities, energy, materials, chemicals, and financial sectors. He worked on quantitative index construction and asset allocation strategies. He engaged Fortune 500 CEOs on approaches to mitigating climate risk using financial risk management tools. He led initiatives to improve financial accounting of exchange-listed products and incorporated natural capital into financial tools. He co-wrote the winning Agriculture Supply Chain Adaptation Facility for the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance.

His research on capital markets has been cited by Forbes Magazine and the Guardian as key reasons why markets can improve our societies’ collective ability to mitigate climate change. He has co-authored numerous papers including a recent paper in Science on standardizing payments for ecosystem services.