VA Form 21 Podcast

VA Form 21 Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 011: Procopio, Procopio, Wherefore Art The Pro Veterans Canon?
November 01, 2018

UPDATE – January 29, 2019: Procopio Wins!  Presumption of Agent Orange Exposure extended to Blue Water Navy Veterans. Click here to read the Federal Circuit’s opinion – and stay tuned, as there is a lot to unpack in this decision,

Episode 010: “No, I won’t give you my Debit Card PIN Number” (FCOA Precedent: Acree, #17-1749, Legal standard to withdraw an appeal orally at BVA)
July 12, 2018

What is the Deep Issue in the Case? VA regulations provide that a veteran’s “appeal may be withdrawn as to any or all issues involved in the appeal.” 38 C.F.R. § 20.204(a). a statement made by a veteran at a board hearing qualifies as an effective clai...

Episode 009: “To the Best of my Knowledge” – The case against attorney use of VA Form 21-4138.
June 15, 2018

In a recent court appeal, the VA was relying on the unsigned and unsworn statement of a random government bureaucrat. This bureaucrat was “testifying” to the lack of existence of any evidence that my client was exposed to the herbicide agent orange.

Episode 008: Get your chocolate bar out of my peanut butter! (The role of intent in determining the scope of a VA Claim)
May 02, 2018

Shameless plug for sponsorships for the podcast.  If you are getting value from the VA Form 21 Blog and Podcast, and want to become a sponsor, you can become a patron, or sponsor, by clicking here: Sponsor the VA Form 21 Podcast on Patreon.

Episode 007: “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (Challenging VA Medical Examiner’s Competence)
May 01, 2018

In today’s episode of the VA Form 21 Podcast, I am going to teach you how to become a better advocate by challenging the VA Medical Examiner’s competence – or at least rebutting the presumption of competence in your client’s BVA appeals.

Episode 006: CAVC Oral Argument: Atencio v. Wilkie, 16-1561 (April 26, 2018)(Gulf War Syndrome presumptions and GERD)
April 27, 2018

What the ‘MUCMI’ is going on with GERD? PREVIEW OF THE CASE: General Overview of the Medicine Some terms you will hear in this argument: GERD is Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder. GERD can often – but not always -result from a dysfunctional valve at th...

Episode 005: CAVC Oral Argument: Simmons v. Wilkie (16-3039)(CAVC Application of Harmless Error Rule)
April 25, 2018

General Overview of Harmless Error law. The major question in this case is how the CAVC should apply the harmless error rule when it might involve making findings of fact. The Court stated in its supplemental briefing order that it “…has a statutory du...

Episode 004: CAVC Oral Argument – Johnson v. Wilkie, #16-3808 (April 24, 2018) Successive Rating Criteria for Migraines)
April 24, 2018

General Preview of the Case: This is a complex case involving the complex issue of “successive rating criteria”, with a lot of regulatory interpretation and factual application issues at play.  There is one, and possibly more,

Episode 003: CAVC Oral Argument: Spellers v. Wilkie, 16-4053 (April 19, 2018)
April 23, 2018

Issue for Oral Argument: General Overview of the Law When a veteran’s disability does not meet the requirements for the next higher schedular rating, but the evidence indicates his or her disability is more severe than the current rating,

FCOA Precedent Alert: Saunders v. Wilkie, #2017-1466 (A Veteran can service connect stand-alone pain)
April 17, 2018

What is the Deep Issue in the Case? This case involves the question of whether a veteran can service connect stand alone pain as  a disability for the purposes of VA disability compensation.  The basic VA disability compensation statute is clear: the V...