Vaccine Curious

How the next four years can improve our evidence base of the vaccination schedule
With the new presidential administration in the US, more focus has been brought to the United States’ approach to public health - including their recommended vaccination schedule.
Christine Stabell Benn and Tracy Høgh have done a series of podcasts over the last year and a half, which have brought specific attention to the way the US childhood vaccination schedule differs from that in Denmark.
In this podcast Christine and Tracy Høgh summarize the insights gained from those discussions. and present their wishes for the coming four years:
1) A revised framework for testing, approving and regulating new vaccines
2) Health authorities that carefully reviews all safety signals in relation to vaccines
3) Stopping unnecessary vaccines
4) Constructive research on the vaccines already in use
5) No vaccine mandates
6) A more open and transparent discussion of the pros and cons of vaccines
7) A general focus on overall health
The podcast is based on this article: