UX Podcast

UX Podcast

Latest Episodes

#252 Toxic dogmatism
December 17, 2020

Episode 252 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – We discuss a number of serious issues that the design industry faces plus we take a look at “Stories” and their abundance.

#251 Multimodal design with Cheryl Platz
December 03, 2020

Designing for multiple forms of input and output is no easy task. The dramatic rise in the number of microphones in devices has pushed multimodal design to new levels of complexity. Cheryl Platz joins us to talk about designing in this multimodal world...

#250 Factfulness with Anna Rosling Rönnlund
November 19, 2020

Anna and the Gapminder foundation work to promote a fact-based worldview that everyone can understand. They want to help all of us move away from a dramatic worldview that is stressful, wrong and contributes to poor decision-making.

#249 Digital anthropology with Genevieve Bell
November 05, 2020

How will your design be used in 10,000 years? When we produce designs and create technical systems we rarely think in such time-frames, yet many of today’s technology includes ideas decades old, even hundreds.

#248 Evolving organisations with Ola Berg
October 22, 2020

“This is about people. It’s about communication”, says Ola. The ways in which organisations are structured and managed are still in many ways rooted in the history of the industrial revolution. To evolve away from this requires care,

#247 Civic tech with Cyd Harrell
October 08, 2020

Cyd Harrell has been working with civic tech for over a decade, and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience during that time. She’s gathered that experience and knowledge and created a friendly guide for those of us who work,

#246 Developer experience
September 24, 2020

Episode 246 is a link show. James and Per discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – We discuss developer experience and even “internal” developer experience plus mobile interface testing and the challenges of multi-device,

#245 Cognitive bias with David Dylan Thomas
September 10, 2020

We all have cognitive biases, flaws in our reasoning and judgement due to our personal beliefs and hidden pattens that we’ve subconsciously adopted over time. David Dylan Thomas joins us to discuss cognitive bias and how we can design for it and work w...

#244 Icons
August 27, 2020

In this topic show dedicated to icons Per and James look at what icons are, why we, as designers, make use of them and what we can do to make them more understandable and accessible. Icons are everywhere; we rarely seem to create (visual) interfaces wi...

#243 Answering surveys with Caroline Jarrett (UXP Classic)
August 13, 2020

Form and survey specialist and author Caroline Jarrett joins us on this classic episode of UX Podcast. Unsurprisingly we chat about surveys and forms beginning with the subject’s roots in data capture and motion studies.