UX Podcast

UX Podcast

Latest Episodes

#202 Digital places with Jorge Arango
January 17, 2019

Physical places and digital places. Together with Jorge Arango we discuss concepts from the physical world of architecture and buildings and apply them to the world of digital design.   Lisa and James talk to Jorge about systems,

#201 Consistency
January 03, 2019

Episode 201 is a link show. James and Per discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – this time they’re about Consistency in design and polarity mapping. Article one is Consistency in Design is the Wrong Approach by Jared Spool.

#200 Retrospective with James Royal-Lawson & Per Axbom
December 20, 2018

200 Episodes! Almost 5 days of podcast content recorded over 7 and a half years. To celebrate this milestone, Lisa Welchman and Anna Dahlström host this special episode of UX Podcast. Their guests in Episode 200 are podcasters,

#199 Physical prototypes with Kathryn McElroy
December 06, 2018

Prototyping doesn’t need to be limited to screens and pages. Making physical prototypes with electronics isn’t as complicated as it perhaps sounds. Kathryn McElroy joins us to talk about being a multi-modal designer,

#198 Connected content with Carrie Hane
November 22, 2018

Given the benefits of producing content first, why do we still usually leave it to last? Carrie Hane ,co-author of Designing Connected Content, joins us to talk about how we can work smarter and better with producing – designing – content.

#197 Mental health with Jennifer Akullian
November 08, 2018

Mental health is something that isn’t discussed openly at the workplace. The tech industry has a higher rate of mental health issues than many other industries. Stress, burn-out, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety. We talked to Jennifer Akullian,

#196 Accessibility for designers
October 25, 2018

Accessibility and inclusive design is something we’ve regularly mentioned during the years, but we’ve never had a dedicated show about accessibility in general.  We talk about what accessibility means for UX designers and what you can,

#195 Infused design with Jared Spool
October 11, 2018

Imagine you could just draw a concept on a whiteboard and everyone just got it and got on with it. That’s what a design infused organisation looks like. Jared Spool joins us to talk about the growth stages understanding and the growth states of UX in o...

#194 Research on the fly with Cyd Harrell
September 27, 2018

Cyd Harrell has done all kinds of user research. At the beginning of this episode Cyd tells us of the time she live streamed a user interview from a vehicle while the participant was using a mobile device whilst driving.

#193 Designing democracy with Dana Chisnell
September 13, 2018

“Voting in American is hard. There are far more steps than people realise” said Dana Chisnell. We talk to Dana about democracy as a design problem. We look at how the design of civic engagement impacts on both registration and participation and how tha...