UX Podcast

UX Podcast

#118 Inclusive design with Sara Lerén

January 21, 2016

Sometimes we just run on auto-pilot. Male and Female. Two genders. His and Hers. A simple, polarised, view. When gender is implemented this way in websites and apps, it can not only lead to individuals feeling excluded but also cause emotional distress. We talk to Sara Lerén about being inclusive - how we can kick old habits and design for gendered audiences.

(Listening time: 36 minutes)



All inclusive design - excluding no gender Slideshare presenation
Jessica Ivins slideshare presentation - Designing for gendered audiences
'Ze' or 'They'? A Guide to Using Gender-Neutral Pronouns
Control your Google Ads
Control what people see about you on Google services
Screenshot of Facebook gender settings

Featured image by Sara Lerén.