UX Podcast

UX Podcast

#284 Additive bias

March 10, 2022

Episode 284 is a linkshow. Per and James discuss two articles that have grabbed their attention – we feature articles about additive bias and the current state of mobile UX.

Article one is Additive Bias by Colin Wright. “There’s some evidence that, when presented with a problem, we’ll tend to favor solutions that involve adding something new over solutions that involve the subtraction of some existing element.”

Our second featured article is Mobile UX Trends: The Current State of Mobile UX by Edward Scott at Baymard Institute. “The mobile e-commerce UX performance for the average top-grossing US and European e-commerce site is mediocre, with none of the 58 sites benchmarked having a perfect UX implementation and performance. This leaves nearly all sites in a tight cluster of 52% mediocre (or worse), and 48% decent.”

(Listening time: 38 minutes, transcript)


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