UX Podcast

UX Podcast

#103 What is Zero UI?

July 09, 2015

A Linkshow. James and Per discuss three recent articles they have found on their digital travels. Our first article is Designing with Analytics by one of our previous guests Pamela Pavliscak. Hands on advice for using web analytics for research. Our second article is What is Zero UI? John Brownlee's Coverage of Andy Goodman's talk at SolidCon. The third and final article is Fixing 6 Mistakes Companies Make when Working with UXers by Sarah Doody. We adapt and remix Sarah's list a little.

(Listening time: 35 minutes)



Article 1: Designing with Analytics

By Pamela Pavliscak
#98 James & Per at From Business to Buttons 2015
#102 Story Mapping & Analytics with Adrian Howard & Mike Beasley

Article 2: What is Zero UI?

By John Brownlee covering Andy Goodman's talk
#90 James & Per are not robots

Article 3: Fixing 6 Mistakes Companies Make when Working with UXers

By Sarah Doody
#96 James & Per give micro-feedback

Featured image by Reigh LeBlanc (CC BY-NC 2.0)