UX Podcast

UX Podcast

#97 James & Per & Joe peel onions

April 16, 2015

We talk to Joe Leech about psychology for designers and bullshit science. We debunk some myths and "rules" that come across as truths.

How do you construct an argument with facts rather than fiction? How do we validate our data inputs and build confidence in our designs and decisions?

We get into the ethics of both research and design patterns as well as testing hypothesis and "the scientific method". Are you going to freak your organisation out? We're always looking for a quick fix, but it really isn't that easy.

(Listening time: 41 minutes)



Joe's Ethical code of conduct
Academic article on ethics, Nudging and Choice Architecture: Ethical Considerations
Persuasion triggers in web design (David Travis, 2010)
Joe on Nathalie Nahai's podcast The Good The Bad and The Dirty
Psychology for Designers (Joe's ebook)
Joe's website