UX Podcast

UX Podcast

#89 James & Per want a car not a skateboard

December 25, 2014

How do you build a minimum viable product? Inspired by a Twitter conversation, we talk to Russ Unger, Stephen Anderson and Jeff Gothelf about what MVP is, what it isn’t. Does it cause more confusion than add value? What are we trying to learn and validate? We get some hangups off our chests, and discuss how you and your product team can avoid some of the MVP pitfalls.

(Listening time: 53 minutes)

#89 James & Per want a car not a skateboard. We debate MVP with @russu @stephenanderson and @jboogie http://t.co/inVjQDQ8LZ #ux #leanux

— UX Podcast (@uxpodcast) December 26, 2014


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