US Railway Travelogue

US Railway Travelogue

US Railway Travelogue – Introductory Episode: USRAILINTRO

October 06, 2017

The Introductory Episode of US Railway Travelogue sees Tim Davies of Wrecclesham come into the studio ahead of his trip across the US on such iconic Amtrak trains as'The Coast Starlight', 'The Empire Builder' and 'The California Zephyr' to explain his podcast series - and why he is undertaking the journey.

When he returns, Tim will be sharing some of the sounds he has collected en route, and reflecting on his journey across 14 states in subsequent episodes of this podcast series.

For more details about the show, click here.

To see the Pinterest board accompanying the series, click here.

Artwork Credit:  Loco Steve (Attribution-ShareAlikefreesf 2.0 Generic, CC BY-SA 2.0 Licence - see here)

Sound Effects Credit: