USAHEC Perspectives Lectures Series (Audio)

Smashing Hitler's Panzers: Perspectives in Military History Lecture Series
March 27, 2019 - Mr. Steven Zaloga
Late in January 1945, through the snowy forests and farms of the Ardennes, the cream of Hitler’s remaining army struggled through a muddy retreat, defeated in the final offensive the Wehrmacht attempted during World War II. The stubborn American victory over Hitler’s “Autumn Mist” attack was by no means a foregone conclusion when the German command launched the attack a month earlier. Actions by the U. S. Army’s 1st, 2nd, and 99th divisions from the very start of the offensive stymied the push of the 12th SS Panzer Division on the roads to the essential port of Antwerp. In this lecture, Mr. Steven Zaloga presents a talk based on his newest book, Smashing Hitler’s Panzers: The Defeat of the Hitler Youth Panzer Division during the Battle of The Bulge. Mr. Zaloga argues that the defeat of the 12th SS Hitlerjugend Division in the opening hours and days of the offensive were essential to the over-all failure of the German Ardennes Campaign.
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