Uriel's Gifts

Uriel's Gifts

Latest Episodes

After Samhain And Moving Forward! - Lesson 26
November 08, 2010

The time after Samhain can be for us just as much of a let-down as the days following the Christians' Christmas is to them. After all, the decorations are gone, certain folks no longer feel they need to be nice, and the fstivities are over for another ye

Samhain - And An Opportunity! Mass For The Shut-Out October 31, 2010
November 08, 2010

It's Samhain! And this year, The Wise Ones' Net (which includes this video podcast as well as the audio podcast "The Secrets In Plain Sight") have something special to offer - a semi-simulcast! We think of it as a simulcast because the same ritual is us

Samhain - And An Opportunity! Mass For The Shut-Out October 31, 2010
October 30, 2010

It's Samhain! And this year, The Wise Ones' Net (which includes this video podcast as well as the audio podcast "The Secrets In Plain Sight") have something special to offer - a semi-simulcast! We think of it as a simulcast because the same ritual is us

Approaching Samhain! - Lesson 25
October 25, 2010

At Samhain, the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. What an opportunity! That is not to say that at other times of the year, the veil is thick and impenetrable. Quite the contrary, especially if you have some experience! But, this is the time

Yuengling: My Proof That It Can Happen - Lesson 24
October 20, 2010

Follow any spiritual path, and in almost every case, you're told about what wonderful things can happen for you! And after a while, you start to wonder when or if it's ever going to be your turn. I was that way. Remember the story of Pinocchio, the pup

Apart Or Together? Or Does Either Matter? - Lesson 23
October 11, 2010

Especially among Christians,there is so much emphasis placed on corporate worship that it is sometimes difficult to find a place for individual devotion. And then there is the person who takes "individual devotion" too far by fantasizing that they are ac

On St Francis Day (no kidding) A Salute To Him And Some Of Our Best Friends - Lesson 22
October 04, 2010

In the Roman Catholic and Anglican calendars, October 4th is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. A close review of his life can reveal why a Wiccan might have an especial appreciation of St Francis, but we're not going into that here. He also had a speci

Sabbat School Class #21 - About Healings, Thanksgivings and when it works!
September 28, 2010

We might as well spend some time discussing the subject of "The Devil", since so many other people do. In fact, some of them think that folks like you and I who aren't marching in lock-step on a spiritual path just like theirs must be serving that devil.

A Mabon Celebration on Mass For The Shut-Out, September 21, 2010
September 20, 2010

It is time to celebrate Mabon! The second of three harvest Sabbats, it is a good time to give thanks for all that The Divine has provided us! Of course, we need to understand that there are those less fortunate, and some of them will feel abandoned by T

Sabbat School Class #20 - What Bread And Wine Can Do!
September 13, 2010

Let's take a look at one recurring theme in the story of religion, that being the things that can be done spiritually with bread and wine. One I am sure you have heard of, but the Christian Communion/Mass has many predecessors, and predecessors by thousa