

Urban Homestead Radio Episode 96: Interview with Justin Dervaes - Summer Garden Updates

August 18, 2020

In this episode Anais chats with head farmer, Justin Dervaes about what's been 'Growing On' in the summer garden.  Justin share's some insights on what grew well, what didn't grow well and some of the challenges he is facing with the summer growing season.  
Have a gardening question for Justin?  Send us an email at info@urbanhomestead.org
About Urban Homestead
Sprouting on a 1/10th acre plot in 1985, this homestead project pioneered the modern urban homesteading movement.
The Urban Homestead in Pasadena CA seeded a homegrown revolution and inspired millions worldwide through our website, award winning short film, podcast and outreach programs.
About Justin Dervaes
Justin manages and operates a successful small scale family farm and a multi farm and artisan box program, serving the customers with his down to earth “know-how” style and ever-ready smile.
When he’s not trying to grow every heirloom tomato that exists on this planet, he enjoys beekeeping, and working alongside the interns where he’s able to share his witty wisdom and passion for growing food. 
Carrying on the family’s work and mission Follow him and his family's farming efforts at www.UrbanHomestead.org
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