Urban Ambling

Urban Ambling

Windmills and Millers Point

February 04, 2021

In this episode we return to Churchill, which is on the Rocks Ridge, and move away from the valley of the tank stream heading down towards Darling Harbour, and millers point.

On the way, we mention why gas lane is called gas lane, and also go past two very interesting and historic buildings called the Glover Cottages and the Richmond villa.

Moving along the eastern side of Kent street, we come to the Agar stairs. Then we turn down high street and turn down to really have a look at the Darling Harbour, Millers Point area.

Indeed, there was down on millers point in the very early 1800s, three wooden post windmills. We’ll say a little bit about those and particularly owner of the first windmill who was obviously quite a character.

That will then bring us back to finish for this episode at the Lord Nelson hotel which dates back to the 1840s.