Urban Ambling

Urban Ambling

Sydney - A City Of Windmills

July 05, 2020

This episode takes us up Grosvenor Street to Church Hill.

During the 19th Century , this was a very fashionable area. This was probably due to the elevation and views. It is not easy to see those attributes these days.

Church Hill was also the site of one of three Government Windmills which ran along the ridge which now gives access to the Harbour Bridge.

This tells of that windmill ( built to last 200 years , but blown down in a storm after a year or so ) and also of the three Grand Hotels which once graced The Hill.

The area carries a lot of traffic from the Bridge but is not crowded. It is well worth an amble.

The walk up Grosvenor goes past a number of historic buildings. An added plus is that Lang Park does have sunshine in the early afternoon in Winter.

Enjoy your amble
