Urban Ambling

Urban Ambling

T.S. Mort

June 09, 2020

The imposing statue of T. S. Mort dominates the southern edge of Macquarie Place , which is opposite the Lands Department Building.

Mort was an interesting and complex person who arrived in Sydney in 1838 aged 21 years. He came with very little money.  In the 40 years til his death he rose to become a very prominent and successful business man. He was very community minded, giving both time and money to many causes. One of those causes was Horticulture. He was an avid gardener. The gardens around his home were some of the finest in the colony.

More than 1000 people attended the unveiling of the statue by the then Governor in June 1883.

That speaks volumes as to the regard in which he was held.

Have a sit in the Place and admire the statue whilst his story is told.

There are worse places to sit , than outside the nearby Customs House Hotel. I remember it with affection from my misspent youth !!

Happy ambling.
