Upfront About Breast Cancer

Upfront About Breast Cancer

Episode 36: Accessing Support for Breast Cancer in Regional and Rural Locations

October 28, 2021

We recommend that listeners exercise self-care when listening to this podcast, as some may find the content upsetting. 

Let’s be upfront about the challenges you may face in accessing specialised breast cancer treatment, care and support when living in rural, remote and regional areas in Australia. 

A breast cancer diagnosis is difficult enough, and many people from regional and remote areas often experience additional hardship and stress due to the absence of specialised services. There can be significant physical and emotional distress and financial strain due to the increased need to travel for treatments and tests and the loss of income. Finding practical information and support is important to ensure everyone has access to the best treatment and care.  

In the episode, we’re joined by Sandy Vlatko and Asha Scott. Asha lives in Kalgoorlie, a regional part of Australia, located nearly 600km northeast of Perth. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018 and had to travel to Perth for a large part of her treatment, including surgery, IVF and radiation, which added further complications and stress to her already worrying situation. Sandy is a McGrath Breast Care Nurse who is based at Kalgoorlie Health Campus. She helps her patients navigate their breast cancer experience, including the many trips to Perth, educates them on their treatment plans and navigates their many worries and concerns.  

We’ll hear about how Sandy helped support and navigate Asha’s complex medical situation in a regional setting and how she helped organise her treatments away from home, manage access to breast cancer services and other practical support available including allied health. 


- State government, community assistance and other organisations that can help people with breast cancer via My Journey 

- The financial cost of breast cancer via My Journey  

-Cancer Councils in each state and territory offer a range of services for people affected by cancer. Contact your Cancer Council on 13 11 20 for information about: Financial assistance schemes , accommodation options, travel assistance , practical assistance such as home help , grants or subsidies that may be available in your stage , programs that provide free legal, financial and workplace assistance advice and access to a financial counsellor. 

To help us continue to develop podcasts that are relevant to our members and their breast cancer diagnosis, we ask for your feedback via our online survey.

Upfront About Breast Cancer is a production of Breast Cancer Network Australia. Our theme music is by the late Tara Simmons, and this episode is proudly brought to you by Cancer Australia.  

Want to get in touch? Visit our website at bcna.org.au, email us at contact@bcna.org.au, or call our Helpline on 1800 500 258
