Upfront About Breast Cancer

Upfront About Breast Cancer

Episode 27: Vulnerability and strength - Peta Murphy on breast cancer

December 10, 2020

We recommend that listeners exercise self-care when listening to this podcast, as some may find the content upsetting.

In this special episode of Upfront About Breast Cancer, we’re joined by federal parliamentarian Peta Murphy MP. Peta was first diagnosed with early breast cancer at age 37, and found out she had metastatic breast cancer nine years later, just two days after she was sworn in to parliament.

We invited Peta to put a rear-view lens on her life with breast cancer and write a letter to herself. In this podcast, you’ll hear that letter as well as Peta’s story in her own words. We explore Peta’s experience of displaying strength through vulnerability, the many emotions tied up in a breast cancer journey and, ultimately, how Peta’s using her position to improve the lives of others living with breast cancer.


Upfront About Breast Cancer is a production of Breast Cancer Network Australia. Our theme music is by the late Tara Simmons, and this episode is proudly brought to you by Dry July.

Want to get in touch? Visit our website at bcna.org.au, email us at contact@bcna.org.au, or call our Helpline on 1800 500 258