Upfront About Breast Cancer

Upfront About Breast Cancer

Episode 23: Palliative care

May 28, 2020

Let’s be Upfront about palliative care. To many, those two words prompt fear, and thoughts of death and dying. In reality, palliative care offers so much beyond just end of life care for those living with metastatic breast cancer; focusing on symptom management and ensuring quality of life.

In this episode, we’re joined by BCNA Community Liaison Marie Pandeloglou, who, following a breast cancer diagnosis 10 years ago, has been living with metastatic breast cancer for the past five years. Also offering their insight and expertise is Medical Oncologist and Palliative Medicine Physician Associate Professor Michael Franco.

This episode covers:

  • Palliative care as a holistic approach to symptom management involving a multidisciplinary team
  • When to access palliative care
  • The value in building a strong relationship with your palliative care team
  • Marie’s recent experience of accessing palliative care
  • The cost involved in accessing palliative care


Upfront About Breast Cancer is a production of Breast Cancer Network Australia. Our theme music is by the late Tara Simmons, and this episode is proudly brought to you by Cancer Australia.

Want to get in touch? Visit our website at bcna.org.au, email us at contact@bcna.org.au, or call our Helpline on 1800 500 258.

Marie died in February 2021. She was happy for us to continue to share this content and her story.