Upfront About Breast Cancer

Upfront About Breast Cancer

Episode 11: Exercise and breast cancer

October 15, 2019

We all know that staying active is good for you both physically and mentally. But what about when you have breast cancer? When should you exercise? What type of exercise should you be doing and how much of a difference does it really make?

In this episode of Upfront About Breast Cancer, host Kellie Curtain talks to expert Associate Professor Prue Cormie and two-time breast cancer survivor Jo Francis about their experiences with exercise and cancer - including tips on how to get started, how exercise can help to minimise side effects and why breast cancer survivors should look for an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist.


Upfront About Breast Cancer is a production of Breast Cancer Network Australia. Our theme music is by Tara Simmons, and this episode is proudly brought to you by the Dry July Foundation.

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