Untoxicated Podcast

Untoxicated Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep153 – Making the Turn for Home with Mindy and Tom
August 22, 2022

Do you want to know what it takes to save a marriage from alcoholism? One word: genuine humility. OK, that's two words. And it also takes therapy, group work, hard-earned detachment, faith, resentment

Ep152 – Five Ways Alcohol Impacts Brain Chemistry
August 15, 2022

The brain is the final frontier of human biology, so the full impact of alcohol on our gray matter is a topic that undergoes continuous discovery. In this episode, Sheri and Matt discuss five ways alc

Ep151 – New Hope after Death with Suzy Jahn
August 08, 2022

The official cause of death was, "Complications of chronic ethanolism." We all knew Suzy's husband Matt was struggling and relapsing, but no one is ever really ready for death by alcohol. Suzy Jahn jo

Ep150 – Echoed Voices – Live!
August 01, 2022

To celebrate our 150th podcast episode, we gathered in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains for our first ever Echoes of Recovery retreat. We took a break from hiking and hot springs to record this ve

Ep149 – Mantras: Gross and Glorified
July 25, 2022

Why do we give so much power to the mantras that surround us (at least some of us do (Sheri's looking at you, Matt))? There are gross and glorified mantras that are pillars of the recovery community,

Ep148 – Phases of Relationship Recovery
July 18, 2022

There is a flow to the process of recovering a marriage from alcoholism. In this episode, Sheri and Matt talk about the universalisms found in the eight phases of relationship recovery. This is time c

Ep147 – Chaos between the Traumas
July 11, 2022

Anyone who has experienced an alcoholic relationship is familiar with the traumatic events when the drinking and the aftermath spins wildly out of control. But for most high-functioning alcoholics, th

Ep146 – Consistently Different
July 04, 2022

As a drinker, Matt's goal for the marriage was for Sheri to agree with him on morals, politics, religion, finances, parenting, etc. Only now in sobriety, Matt is realizing that with the exception of m

Ep145 – From Denial to Reality with Leah
June 27, 2022

Leah suffered from denial for years while living with someone whose drinking became a progressively more significant problem. She describes it like living in the middle of a tornado and refusing to ac

Ep144 – Pride Over Shame
June 20, 2022

Pride, self-esteem, ego and confidence often get a bad rap in the traditional recovery community as leading to relapse. We believe the opposite is true, and that self-esteem is the single most importa