The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

Latest Episodes

Here’s How Coaching Can Serve You
September 08, 2022

Why should you invest in coaching?Well, this week’s Coaching Uncut client has the answer for you!After only a few months of coaching, she’s been able to work on herself, become a better version of who she is, and, most importantly, thrive more in her prof

Coming to Terms With Aging
September 06, 2022

Coming to terms with you and your loved ones aging is not easy.This is especially true for female entrepreneurs in the workplace.Ageism is a real thing, and sooner or later, many of us will struggle with it. This is the simple reality of being a woman.A c

How to Improve Your Sales Without Lowering Your Price
September 03, 2022

Hey Unstoppable Women!I’m so happy to have you again for another super fun episode of The Unstoppable Woman!Today, I’ll be talking about something that affects all of us female entrepreneurs: How you can improve your sales without lowering your price poin

How Projecting Confidence Can Change Your Life for the Better
September 01, 2022

Ladies, here’s something I noticed happening in my everyday life: Every time I level up internally, somehow, people feel it.When I’m being more confident and sure of myself, those around me respond to it.And, if you’re thinking, “Well, you’re probably an

What Would You Do Differently?
August 30, 2022

Ladies, I have a question for you: If you got a do-over at anything (and I mean anything) you're unhappy with, what would you do differently?I know what I would do differently.However, I didn’t always have the answer to that question.You see, it took

7 Ways to Build Client Trust in Record Time
August 27, 2022

Building client trust is a must!After all, you didn’t spend all that money on prospecting and marketing just to bring in amazing clients who don’t trust you, right?So why does it matter that you build trust as fast as you can?Well, simply because if you d

Speaking Your Way to a Million Dollar Business
August 25, 2022

Speaking your way to success is possible!However, before you start trying that, you need to learn how to reach out to people to speak in their events.“Well, that’s easier said than done, Amira,” you say. And you’d be right.Asking people for something like

Marketing Tips & Trick | How to Sell a House
August 23, 2022

Marketing yourself and your business isn’t always easy.This is especially true if you’re working in real estate.Why am I talking about selling houses, exactly?Well, simply because my client in this week’s Coaching Uncut needs to do just that, and she’s al

The Secret to Escaping the Scarcity Mindset
August 20, 2022

Ladies, here’s a little secret I want to share with you today: We live in an abundant universe.Some of you might not believe this, but I promise you, it’s the truth.However, there’s a small catch…You decide whether the universe blesses you with its abunda

How to Turn Your Experience and Expertise Into a TEDx talk w/ Emem Washington
August 18, 2022

Today’s guest on The Unstoppable Woman is an attorney, law professor, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach.She has been an attorney for twenty years, but it wasn’t a smooth-sailing journey for her. During her third year of practice, she felt that her life w