The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

ENCORE: The Trap of Productive Procrastination

April 22, 2023

So you have big goals for yourself and your business in the coming months, and you’re driven to achieve it all. But then you get distracted. It starts with one ‘off’ day. Maybe you spend a morning knocking out some big to-do’s for a new marketing initiative… only to check the clock and realize that morning’s over, and all you did is get lost in email.

Before you know it, it’s become a pattern. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of doing what we know how to do – what we’re already successful at doing – instead of taking the new, needle-moving actions we know we need to focus on to grow and scale.

It’s called productive procrastination, and I know this is extraordinarily common, because I hear about it from my clients all the time.

If you’re not careful, you hardly ever realize when you’ve fallen into its trap. Listen in to learn the signs to look out for, whether it’s always a bad thing, and more.

What To Listen For

  • The power of keeping your word to yourself [1:52]
  • Is productive procrastination always a bad thing? [4:34]
  • You can learn to treat anxiety as a tool for personal growth – here’s how! [16:34]


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