The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

ENCORE: The Female Entrepreneur's Method: Part 1 | Start With Desire

February 11, 2023

Welcome to our new four-part series on The Female Entrepreneur’s Method to Rapidly Scaling, where we’re diving deep into what it takes to achieve your business goals without losing your essence as a woman!

How can you expect to achieve massive success if you don’t know where you’re going and exactly what you want? Sure, you might THINK you know, but have you actually claimed your BIG, juicy, stretch goals? Or have you just claimed what’s comfortable and attainable for you?

Most people don’t claim what they really, truly want. But what they don’t realize is that desire is always the first place you need to start. In today’s episode, we’re covering how to get crystal clear on your desires – and everything else you need to know when it comes to claiming your goals!

What To Listen For

  • How to achieve your business goals without losing your essence as a woman [2:10]
  • It doesn’t have to be one or the other – how to have it ALL in your life and your business! [5:33]
  • The three most important factors of goal-setting [10:52]
  • The mental block that’s keeping you from achieving your goals [13:14]


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