The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

ENCORE - The Psychology of Making Money: Pt. 1 Claiming Your Destination

November 26, 2022

Welcome to our new four-part series on the psychology of making money, where we’re getting real about exactly how to make bank as women entrepreneurs and business owners!

Where are you going, and what do you want? And if you don’t know, how can you expect to achieve massive success? Today, in Part 1, we’re going deep on claiming your destination. Desire is always the first place you need to start. Most people don’t claim what they really, truly want. How many times have you told yourself that you shouldn’t want something? Often, we’re so quick to decide that we can’t have something–or that we shouldn’t lust after it, for whatever reason–that we don’t even consciously realize we desire it at all.

Today, we’re getting to the bottom of this—because this is a critical step you absolutely CANNOT miss. Tomorrow, we’ll get clear on the tactical steps for getting there… so stay tuned for Part 2!

What To Listen For

  • You can’t just assume that the Universe knows where you want to go!
  • “Desire is the starting point of all achievement,” Napoleon Hill said it best himself!
  • If you want to be rich, first you have to give yourself permission (here’s how)
  • What you ‘need’ isn’t what drives you to grow and become more—it’s what you desire that accelerates your growth!
  • How to get clear about exactly what you want



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