The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

How to Overcome Resistance and Use It to Grow Your Business | Coaching Uncut

February 22, 2022

There’s always going to be tension in the growth. This is something I say to my clients all the time. Growing your business isn’t easy, and it forces you to step out of your comfort zone in ways you normally never would.

Sometimes that means you make mistakes! Nobody’s immune to this ;) But instead of pointing the finger at others or getting caught in a self-criticism spiral, you have to learn how to respond productively when something goes awry.

Learn exactly how to do that in today’s new episode. I’ve even put together a special free download for you to go along with it! This worksheet is designed to help you learn what to do so you can stop wasting energy on resentment, say YES to the growth, and use it all as momentum to skyrocket your business! Download it here to follow along

What To Listen For

  • Letting go of grudges, guilt, bitterness, and past regrets [5:51]
  • How to step out of the overwhelm and learn to truly embrace the growth mindset [10:05]
  • You have to learn how to fire yourself up so you can grow WITH your business! [12:03]

This coaching call has been recorded with permission. Please be aware that this is not a studio recording, and the sound quality may vary.


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