The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

The Link Between Desire, Expectation, And Success

November 18, 2021

By now you might know that claiming your desire is absolutely the first step of the manifestation process. But even if you claim your juicy desire and start taking action in alignment with calling that in, things may still not fall into place if you’re not truly EXPECTING it to happen.

What do I mean by that?

I mean you need to be in the continuous expectation of the fulfillment of what you desire. You think about your desire… you fantasize, imagine, and play the movie of it happening… you feel it happening… you expect it to happen.

There’s no doubt of your ability… no wavering in your faith of it coming to fruition… no leaning on “plan B” or other backups in case it doesn’t happen. You act as though it will happen, because you expect it to happen.

Expectation is like an invisible magnet that will attract into your life that which you expect. Once you learn how to master it, you’ll be able to master creating anything you want with ease. Want to learn more? Listen in!

What To Listen For

  • Do you expect things to be hard? How to squash your negative faith and smooth your path to success! [4:02]
  • Is your self-esteem sabotaging your love life? Boost your self-worth and open yourself to fruitful relationships [5:22]
  • How learning the Law of Sacrifice will allow you to step into more in your life [7:01]
  • Getting comfortable being uncomfortable (this is the only way you can grow!) [12:52]

Check out our YouTube page for the video!


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