The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

How to Stay Productive When You’re Sick | Coaching Uncut

November 16, 2021

In this Coaching Uncut Series, we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients. Please be aware that these are not studio recordings, and the sound quality may vary.

In this Coaching Uncut episode, we’re looking at what to do if you get sick yet have TONS to get done in your business. Do you push through? Or do you take a rest? What if there was another way forward that frees you up from this dichotomy? There is! Listen in to find out how I approach this, and so much more.

What To Listen For

  • How to stop unproductive days and unmarked to-do lists from affecting your self-esteem [4:32]
  • Are you someone who uses sickness as an excuse to stop making progress in your business? Or is it really time to take some much-needed space for rejuvenation? [6:01]
  • If you’re having an off week, try this simple trick to turn it around! [7:21]

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