The Unstoppable Woman®

The Unstoppable Woman®

How to Claim What You Truly Want | Coaching Uncut

May 25, 2021

In this Coaching Uncut Series, we take you behind the scenes and allow you to listen in to the coaching I do with clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission from my clients.

There are many roles we play during our life. Remember that you are always your own main character. You are the lead. But sometimes you require clarity to keep those roles straight for you and those in your life. Today, you get to peek behind the curtain into a conversation with my client where we went deep on how to claim what you truly want. For example, what role would you want your partner to play? Do you crave someone who you can be intimate and vulnerable with? Or are you seeking someone more interested in growing their life and business, like you? You can apply this thinking to anyone in your life, not just your suitors ;-) Tune in for more!

What To Listen For

How money can give you and your spouse your freedom back!
Respect your partner’s position and purpose in your life
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – why it’s so hard, and how to get better at it

Get Out of Your Own Way. Increase Cash Flow. Find Your Freedom.

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